Schick Technologies has brought digital panoramic and cephalometric imaging to a whole new level of simplicity

CDRPanX-C features proven Schick CDR digital imaging technology and renders crisp, clinically accurate images. Using a large 25 x 25 cm cephalometric image area and 2 separate sensors for panoramic and cephalometric images, the CDR PanX-C is a quick, easy to use and accessible digital pan-ceph solution for any dental office.
CDRPanX-C eliminates costly film and processing – increasing your economic efficiency and is a perfect complement to offices that use digital intra-oral sensors, including Schick’s best-selling CDR and CDRWireless sensors. Eight different panoramic imaging modes, three different cephalometric imaging modes, and three laser alignment beams for optimal exposures. Superior vertical travel allows it to be used with patients of any height, including those in wheelchairs.
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